Top 10 Modern Command Line Programs for Productivity

Are you tired of using the same old command line programs that have been around for decades? Do you want to increase your productivity and efficiency with newer, lesser-known command line programs? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the top 10 modern command line programs for productivity.

1. fzf

fzf is a command-line fuzzy finder that allows you to quickly search for files, directories, and even command history. With its intuitive interface and lightning-fast search capabilities, fzf is a must-have tool for any command line user. Plus, it integrates seamlessly with other command line programs like vim and tmux.

2. ripgrep

Do you find yourself struggling to search through large codebases or log files? ripgrep is a command line search tool that is designed to be faster than other search tools like grep and ack. With its multi-threaded search capabilities and support for regular expressions, ripgrep is a powerful tool for any developer or sysadmin.

3. tldr

tldr (short for "too long; didn't read") is a command line tool that provides simplified, community-driven examples for common commands. With tldr, you can quickly learn how to use a command without having to read through lengthy man pages. Plus, it supports a wide range of operating systems and programming languages.

4. fd

fd is a simple, fast, and user-friendly alternative to the find command. With its intuitive syntax and support for regular expressions, fd makes it easy to search for files and directories. Plus, it is significantly faster than the find command, making it a great choice for large codebases or file systems.

5. bat

bat is a command line tool that allows you to view and manipulate files with syntax highlighting and Git integration. With its intuitive interface and support for a wide range of file types, bat is a great tool for developers and sysadmins alike. Plus, it integrates seamlessly with other command line tools like fzf and ripgrep.

6. exa

exa is a modern replacement for the ls command that provides more features and better formatting. With its support for colorized output, Git integration, and file metadata, exa makes it easy to navigate and understand file systems. Plus, it is significantly faster than the ls command, making it a great choice for large directories.

7. htop

htop is a command line process monitoring tool that provides a more user-friendly interface than the traditional top command. With its support for colorized output, process tree visualization, and process filtering, htop makes it easy to monitor and manage system resources. Plus, it is significantly faster than the top command, making it a great choice for high-load systems.

8. ncdu

ncdu is a command line disk usage analyzer that provides an intuitive interface for understanding disk usage. With its support for colorized output, directory navigation, and file deletion, ncdu makes it easy to manage disk space. Plus, it is significantly faster than other disk usage analyzers like du, making it a great choice for large file systems.

9. tig

tig is a command line Git repository browser that provides an intuitive interface for understanding Git repositories. With its support for colorized output, commit visualization, and file browsing, tig makes it easy to navigate and understand Git repositories. Plus, it integrates seamlessly with other command line tools like bat and fzf.

10. entr

entr is a command line tool that allows you to run arbitrary commands whenever a file changes. With its support for regular expressions and file globbing, entr makes it easy to automate tasks like testing and building. Plus, it integrates seamlessly with other command line tools like fzf and ripgrep.


In conclusion, these top 10 modern command line programs for productivity are a must-have for any command line user. With their intuitive interfaces, lightning-fast search capabilities, and support for a wide range of tasks, these tools will help you increase your productivity and efficiency. So why wait? Start exploring these tools today and take your command line productivity to the next level!

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