How to Use Modern Command Line Programs to Improve Your Workflow

If you're a programmer or a system administrator, you're probably familiar with the command line. The command line is a powerful tool that allows you to perform tasks quickly and efficiently without the need for a graphical user interface. But did you know that there are many modern command line programs out there that can help you improve your workflow? In this article, I'll show you some of the best modern command line programs that you can use to boost your productivity and make your life easier.

What are modern command line programs?

Modern command line programs are new tools that have been developed in recent years to help people work more efficiently on the command line. These programs are generally open source and free to use, and they can be installed on most operating systems. Unlike traditional command line tools, modern command line tools come with a variety of features and functionalities that make them more versatile and easier to use.

Some of the key features of modern command line programs include:

How to install modern command line programs

Installing modern command line programs is generally quite easy. Most modern command line programs can be installed using a package manager, such as APT or Homebrew, or by downloading binaries from the program's website. Some modern command line programs may require additional dependencies, such as Python or Ruby, so make sure to read the installation instructions carefully.

Modern command line programs you should know about

Now that you know what modern command line programs are, let's take a look at some of the best programs you can use to improve your workflow.


fzf is a command line fuzzy finder that allows you to quickly search for files, directories, and other items on the command line. With fzf, you can quickly navigate your file system and open files with your preferred editor. fzf also supports integration with other tools, such as Git and Docker.

To use fzf, simply type fzf and then start typing the name of the file or directory you want to find. fzf will display a list of matches, and you can use the arrow keys to select the item you want. Once you've found the item you want, you can press enter to perform an action on the item, such as opening it in your editor.


ripgrep is a command line tool that allows you to search files and directories for text patterns. ripgrep is designed to be fast and efficient, and it can search through large amounts of data quickly. ripgrep also supports integration with other tools, such as Git and Vim.

To use ripgrep, simply type rg and then the text pattern you want to search for, followed by the files or directories you want to search. ripgrep will display a list of matches, along with the file name and line number where the match was found. You can then use the arrow keys to navigate to the match you want.


tldr is a command line tool that provides simplified and community-driven documentation for common command line programs. With tldr, you can quickly learn how to use complex command line tools without having to read through lengthy manuals. tldr supports a wide range of command line tools and programming languages, and it can be installed on most operating system.

To use tldr, simply type tldr and then the name of the command line tool you want to learn about. tldr will display a summary of the tool's most common use cases, along with examples and tips for using the tool effectively.


exa is a modern replacement for the ls command, with colorful output and additional features. With exa, you can quickly navigate your file system and view file metadata. exa supports a wide range of options, including support for tree-style output, sorting files by various criteria, and displaying Git status information.

To use exa, simply type exa followed by any options or directories you want to view. exa will display a colorful and easy-to-read output that makes it easy to identify files and directories.


fd is a command line tool that allows you to search for files and directories using regular expressions. fd is designed to be fast and efficient, and it can search through large amounts of data quickly. fd also supports integration with other tools, such as Git and Vim.

To use fd, simply type fd and then the regular expression pattern you want to search for, followed by any directories you want to search. fd will display a list of matches, along with the file name and path where the match was found. You can then use the arrow keys to navigate to the match you want.


bat is a command line tool that allows you to view and edit files with syntax highlighting and Git integration. bat supports a wide range of file types and programming languages, and it can be customized with various themes and options.

To use bat, simply type bat followed by the file you want to view. bat will display the file with syntax highlighting and Git status information, making it easy to read and edit.


In this article, I've shown you some of the best modern command line programs that you can use to boost your productivity and make your life easier. From search tools like fzf and ripgrep to documentation tools like tldr, there are many modern command line tools out there that can help you work more efficiently on the command line. Try them out and see which ones work best for you!

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