Lesser-Known Command Line Tools for Web Development

Are you tired of using the same old command line tools for web development? Do you want to explore new and exciting tools that can make your work easier and more efficient? Look no further! In this article, we will introduce you to some lesser-known command line tools that can help you with your web development tasks.

1. HTTPie

HTTPie is a command line tool that makes HTTP requests and displays the response in a user-friendly format. It is a great alternative to cURL, which can be difficult to use for beginners. HTTPie supports various HTTP methods, authentication, and JSON output. It also has a syntax highlighting feature that makes it easy to read the response.

To install HTTPie, you can use pip:

pip install httpie

Once installed, you can use HTTPie to make HTTP requests like this:

http GET https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1

This will make a GET request to the specified URL and display the response in a formatted way.

2. jq

jq is a command line tool for processing JSON data. It allows you to filter, transform, and manipulate JSON data in a simple and efficient way. jq supports various operators and functions that can be used to extract specific data from JSON objects.

To install jq, you can use your package manager:

apt-get install jq

Once installed, you can use jq to process JSON data like this:

cat data.json | jq '.name'

This will extract the value of the "name" key from the JSON object in the "data.json" file.

3. ngrok

ngrok is a command line tool that allows you to expose a local web server to the internet. It creates a secure tunnel between your local machine and the ngrok server, which can be accessed from anywhere in the world. ngrok is useful for testing web applications on different devices and sharing your work with others.

To install ngrok, you can download the binary from the official website:


Once downloaded, you can use ngrok to expose your local web server like this:

ngrok http 8000

This will create a secure tunnel to your local web server running on port 8000. You can then share the ngrok URL with others to access your web application.

4. tldr

tldr is a command line tool that provides simplified and practical examples of how to use various command line tools. It is a great resource for beginners who are learning how to use the command line. tldr provides concise and easy-to-understand explanations of various command line tools, making it easier to learn and remember how to use them.

To install tldr, you can use your package manager:

apt-get install tldr

Once installed, you can use tldr to get simplified examples of how to use various command line tools like this:

tldr httpie

This will display simplified examples of how to use HTTPie, making it easier to understand and remember how to use the tool.

5. fzf

fzf is a command line tool that provides fuzzy search functionality for various command line tasks. It allows you to quickly search through files, command history, and other data using a fuzzy search algorithm. fzf is a great tool for improving your productivity and efficiency on the command line.

To install fzf, you can use your package manager:

apt-get install fzf

Once installed, you can use fzf to search through files and other data like this:

find . -type f | fzf

This will search through all files in the current directory and display them in a fuzzy search interface. You can then select the file you want to open or manipulate.


In this article, we have introduced you to some lesser-known command line tools that can help you with your web development tasks. These tools can improve your productivity and efficiency on the command line, making it easier to accomplish your tasks. We hope that you find these tools useful and incorporate them into your workflow. Happy coding!

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