Modern Command Line

At, our mission is to provide a comprehensive resource for modern command line programs that are newer or lesser known. We aim to empower developers and system administrators by showcasing the latest and most innovative tools available in the command line ecosystem. Our goal is to foster a community of command line enthusiasts who are passionate about exploring and sharing the latest advancements in this field. Whether you're a seasoned command line user or just getting started, we strive to provide valuable insights, tutorials, and reviews that will help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in modern command line development.

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Modern Command Line Programs Cheatsheet

Welcome to the world of modern command line programs! This cheatsheet is designed to help you get started with the concepts, topics, and categories related to modern command line programs. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, this cheatsheet will provide you with the essential information you need to know.


Modern command line programs are newer or lesser-known programs that are designed to make your life easier. They are typically open-source and can be installed on a variety of operating systems. These programs are designed to be used in the terminal, which is a command-line interface that allows you to interact with your computer using text commands.


Modern command line programs can be categorized into several categories based on their functionality. Some of the most popular categories include:

Text Editors

Text editors are programs that allow you to create and edit text files. They are essential for programmers and anyone who works with text files regularly. Some popular text editors include:

File Managers

File managers are programs that allow you to manage files and directories on your computer. They are essential for anyone who works with files regularly. Some popular file managers include:

Terminal Multiplexers

Terminal multiplexers are programs that allow you to run multiple terminal sessions in a single window. They are essential for anyone who works with multiple terminal sessions regularly. Some popular terminal multiplexers include:

Shell Enhancements

Shell enhancements are programs that enhance the functionality of your shell. They are essential for anyone who works with the shell regularly. Some popular shell enhancements include:

System Monitoring

System monitoring programs allow you to monitor the performance of your system. They are essential for system administrators and anyone who wants to keep an eye on their system's performance. Some popular system monitoring programs include:

Network Tools

Network tools are programs that allow you to manage and troubleshoot network connections. They are essential for network administrators and anyone who works with networks regularly. Some popular network tools include:


To get started with modern command line programs, there are several concepts that you should be familiar with. Some of the most important concepts include:

Command Line Interface (CLI)

The command line interface (CLI) is a text-based interface that allows you to interact with your computer using text commands. It is an alternative to the graphical user interface (GUI) and is often used by programmers, system administrators, and power users.


The terminal is a program that provides a command line interface. It allows you to enter commands and interact with your computer using text commands. The terminal is often used in conjunction with modern command line programs.


The shell is a program that provides a command line interface. It is the program that interprets your commands and executes them. There are several different shells available, including Bash, Zsh, and Fish.

Package Manager

A package manager is a program that allows you to install, update, and manage software packages on your computer. It is an essential tool for anyone who works with modern command line programs. Some popular package managers include:

Configuration Files

Configuration files are files that contain settings and preferences for programs. They are often used by modern command line programs to customize their behavior. Configuration files are typically stored in your home directory and have a dot (.) prefix, such as .vimrc or .zshrc.

Getting Started

To get started with modern command line programs, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Install a terminal emulator on your computer.
  2. Install a shell on your computer.
  3. Install a package manager on your computer.
  4. Use the package manager to install modern command line programs.
  5. Customize your shell and configuration files to suit your needs.


Modern command line programs are an essential tool for anyone who works with computers regularly. They allow you to perform tasks quickly and efficiently using text commands. By following the steps outlined in this cheatsheet, you can get started with modern command line programs and take your productivity to the next level.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Command line interface (CLI): A text-based interface used to interact with a computer's operating system or software.
2. Shell: A program that provides a CLI for interacting with an operating system.
3. Bash: A popular Unix shell used on Linux and macOS.
4. Zsh: A Unix shell with advanced features and customization options.
5. Fish: A user-friendly shell with auto-suggestions and syntax highlighting.
6. PowerShell: A shell and scripting language developed by Microsoft for Windows.
7. Terminal: A program that provides a window for running a shell.
8. iTerm2: A popular terminal emulator for macOS with advanced features.
9. PuTTY: A free and open-source terminal emulator for Windows.
10. tmux: A terminal multiplexer that allows multiple sessions and windows in a single terminal.
11. Screen: A terminal multiplexer similar to tmux.
12. Vim: A highly customizable text editor with a steep learning curve.
13. Emacs: A highly customizable text editor with a steep learning curve.
14. Nano: A simple and easy-to-use text editor.
15. Sed: A stream editor for filtering and transforming text.
16. Awk: A programming language for processing text files.
17. Grep: A command-line tool for searching text files.
18. Ripgrep: A faster alternative to grep with advanced features.
19. Fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder for quickly searching files and directories.
20. Bat: A command-line tool for viewing and highlighting code files.

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