Exploring the features of lesser-known modern command line programs

Are you tired of using the same old command line tools day in and day out? Are you always on the lookout for something new and exciting to streamline your workflow? If so, you've come to the right place!

In this article, we'll be exploring some of the most interesting and lesser-known modern command line programs currently available. From file managers to text editors and everything in between, we've got you covered. So sit back, relax, and let's dive in!


First up on our list is Ranger, a powerful and easy-to-use file manager for the command line. Unlike traditional file managers, Ranger allows you to navigate your files and directories using your keyboard, which can save you a lot of time and help you get your work done more efficiently.

What makes Ranger so appealing to power users is its extensive customization options. With Ranger, you can customize everything from the color scheme to the keybindings, ensuring that the program is tailored to your specific needs.

Another great feature of Ranger is its ability to preview files without opening them. This is especially useful when dealing with multimedia files, as it allows you to quickly and easily preview images and videos without having to leave the command line.


Next up is fzf, a blazing-fast fuzzy finder that allows you to quickly search through your command history, files, and more. With fzf, you can search for anything in your shell history by typing a few characters and hitting enter. You can also use fzf to search for files and directories, making it easy to find what you're looking for without having to manually navigate through directory structures.

One of the things that sets fzf apart from other command line search tools is that it is incredibly fast. With its blazing-fast search algorithm, fzf can search through even the largest directories and command histories in a matter of seconds.

Another great feature of fzf is its ability to integrate with other command line tools. For example, you can use fzf to search for files and then pipe the results into other programs like grep or sed, making it a versatile tool that can be adapted to any workflow.


Are you tired of waiting for your terminal to load every time you open it? If so, you might want to check out Alacritty, a lightning-fast terminal emulator that is designed to be as responsive as possible.

Alacritty is built using a GPU-accelerated framework, which means that it can handle even the most demanding workloads with ease. Whether you're running a complex script or just typing commands, Alacritty is sure to keep up with your every move.

Another great feature of Alacritty is its minimalist interface. Unlike other terminal emulators, which can be cluttered with menus and toolbars, Alacritty keeps things simple and streamlined. This makes it easy to focus on your work without distractions.


Tmux is a versatile terminal multiplexer that allows you to split your terminal into multiple panes and windows. With Tmux, you can run multiple commands and applications side-by-side, which can help you stay organized and productive.

One of the things that makes Tmux so appealing to power users is its ability to save and restore your terminal sessions. This means that you can close your terminal and come back to your work later without having to start from scratch.

Another great feature of Tmux is its support for custom keybindings. With Tmux, you can create your own keybindings for commands and applications, making it easy to customize the program to your specific needs.


Neovim is an improved version of the popular Vim text editor that is designed to be more extensible and customizable than its predecessor. With Neovim, you can take your text editing to the next level, with support for everything from code completion to syntax highlighting.

What sets Neovim apart from other text editors is its use of plugins. With Neovim, you can install plugins to add new functionality and customize the program's behavior to your specific needs. Whether you're a programmer or a writer, Neovim has something to offer.

Another great feature of Neovim is its support for multiple cursors. With Neovim, you can select multiple lines of text and edit them all at once, making it easy to make bulk changes to your code or documents.


If you're looking for a better way to monitor system performance from the command line, look no further than htop. Htop is a powerful and easy-to-use system monitor that provides real-time information about your system's CPU, memory, and disk usage.

What makes htop so appealing to power users is its extensive customization options. With htop, you can customize everything from the color scheme to the columns that are displayed, ensuring that the program is tailored to your specific needs.

Another great feature of htop is its ability to sort processes by various criteria, such as CPU usage or memory usage. This can help you quickly identify which processes are using the most resources and take corrective action if necessary.


Last but not least, we have Tldr, a simplified version of the popular man pages that provides concise and easily-digestible summaries of various command line tools. With Tldr, you can quickly learn about new command line tools without having to wade through pages of documentation.

One of the things that makes Tldr so appealing is its focus on simplicity. Instead of providing in-depth guides to various command line tools, Tldr provides short summaries that are easy to read and understand.

Another great feature of Tldr is its support for multiple platforms. Whether you're using Linux, macOS, or Windows, you can use Tldr to learn about various command line tools and streamline your workflow.


In conclusion, there are many lesser-known modern command line programs out there that can help you streamline your workflow and take your productivity to the next level. From file managers to text editors and system monitors, each of the programs we've explored today has something unique to offer.

So whether you're a power user or just looking to try something new, we encourage you to explore the world of modern command line programs and discover the tools that work best for you. Who knows? You might just find your new favorite program.

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