Tips and Tricks for Mastering Modern Command Line Programs

Are you tired of the same old command line programs? Look no further than the world of modern command line programs! But how do you master these newer, lesser-known tools? Fear not, we've compiled a list of tips and tricks to help you become a command line pro.

Tip #1: Read the documentation

This may seem obvious, but it is essential when dealing with new command line tools. The documentation is your lifeline when it comes to figuring out how to use a program. Make sure to read it thoroughly and take notes of any important information.

Tip #2: Start small

Don't dive headfirst into a complex command line program. Start with something simple and work your way up. This will help you build confidence and prevent you from getting overwhelmed.

Tip #3: Use aliases

Aliases are your best friend when it comes to the command line. They allow you to create shortcuts for long and complex commands. For example, instead of typing out "git commit -m" every time, you can create an alias like "gc" that will execute the same command.

Tip #4: Learn keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time when working on the command line. For example, instead of typing out the full file path, you can use the "tab" key to autocomplete the path. Take some time to learn the shortcuts for your favorite command line programs.

Tip #5: Take advantage of tab completion

Tab completion is a fantastic feature that allows you to autocomplete commands, file names, and directories. All you have to do is press the "tab" key, and the command line program will complete the text for you. This is especially helpful when working with long file names or directories.

Tip #6: Pipe commands together

One of the most powerful features of the command line is the ability to pipe commands together. This allows you to take the output of one command and use it as the input for another command. For example, you can use the "ls" command to list all the files in a directory and then use the "grep" command to search for a specific file.

Tip #7: Use command line options

Most command line programs have options that allow you to customize their behavior. For example, you can use the "-r" option with the "grep" command to search for a string recursively in all subdirectories. Take some time to explore the options available for your favorite command line programs.

Tip #8: Use third-party plugins

Many modern command line programs have third-party plugins that can enhance their functionality. For example, "fzf" is a plugin for the "find" command that adds search functionality. Take some time to explore the plugins available for your favorite command line programs.

Tip #9: Use online resources

The command line community is a vast and helpful resource for learning new tips and tricks. Sites like Stack Overflow and Reddit have dedicated communities for command line enthusiasts. Don't be afraid to ask for help or search for solutions to common problems.

Tip #10: Practice, practice, practice

Finally, the most important tip for mastering modern command line programs is practice. The more you use the command line, the more comfortable you will become with it. Challenge yourself by using new programs and trying out new workflows. With time and practice, you'll become a command line pro in no time.


Modern command line programs can seem daunting at first, but with the right tips and tricks, you can master them in no time. Remember to read the documentation, start small, use aliases, and learn keyboard shortcuts. Take advantage of tab completion and piping commands together, and make use of command line options and third-party plugins. Finally, don't be afraid to use online resources and practice regularly. With these tips, you'll become a command line pro in no time. Happy coding!

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