Top 10 Lesser Known Command Line Programs

Are you tired of using the same old command line programs? Do you want to explore new and exciting tools that can make your life easier? Look no further! In this article, we will introduce you to the top 10 lesser known command line programs that you should definitely try out.

1. fd

Have you ever struggled to find a file in a directory with a lot of files? fd is a simple and fast alternative to the find command. It is written in Rust and has a syntax that is similar to find. However, fd is much faster than find and has a more intuitive syntax. For example, to find all files with the extension .txt in the current directory and its subdirectories, you can simply type:

fd .txt

2. exa

Do you find the output of the ls command hard to read? exa is a modern replacement for ls that is written in Rust. It has a more user-friendly output that is color-coded and easy to read. For example, to list all files and directories in the current directory, you can simply type:


3. ripgrep

Do you need to search for a string in a large codebase? ripgrep is a fast and powerful alternative to the grep command. It is written in Rust and can search through large files and directories with ease. For example, to search for the string foo in all files with the extension .txt in the current directory and its subdirectories, you can simply type:

rg foo --type txt

4. bat

Do you find the output of the cat command hard to read? bat is a modern replacement for cat that is written in Rust. It has syntax highlighting and line numbering that make it easier to read code and other files. For example, to display the contents of a file with syntax highlighting and line numbering, you can simply type:

bat file.txt

5. tldr

Do you struggle to remember the syntax of command line programs? tldr is a community-driven alternative to man pages that provides simplified and practical examples of how to use command line programs. For example, to get a quick summary of how to use the tar command, you can simply type:

tldr tar

6. fzf

Do you find it hard to navigate through directories using the cd command? fzf is a fuzzy finder that allows you to quickly navigate through directories and files using fuzzy search. It is written in Go and can be used with a variety of command line programs. For example, to quickly navigate to a directory using fuzzy search, you can simply type:

cd $(fzf)

7. ncdu

Do you need to find out which directories are taking up the most space on your hard drive? ncdu is a disk usage analyzer that allows you to visualize the disk usage of directories and files. It is written in C and can be used to find out which directories are taking up the most space on your hard drive. For example, to analyze the disk usage of the current directory, you can simply type:


8. htop

Do you find the output of the top command hard to read? htop is an interactive process viewer that allows you to monitor system resources in real-time. It is written in C and has a more user-friendly output that is color-coded and easy to read. For example, to monitor system resources in real-time, you can simply type:


9. mosh

Do you need to connect to a remote server over a slow or unreliable network? mosh is a remote terminal application that allows you to connect to a remote server over a slow or unreliable network. It is written in C++ and uses UDP instead of TCP to provide a more reliable and responsive connection. For example, to connect to a remote server using mosh, you can simply type:

mosh user@server

10. entr

Do you need to run a command every time a file changes in a directory? entr is a utility that allows you to run a command every time a file changes in a directory. It is written in C and can be used to automate tasks that require frequent updates. For example, to run a command every time a file changes in the current directory, you can simply type:

ls | entr command


In conclusion, these top 10 lesser known command line programs can make your life easier and more productive. Whether you need to search for a file, navigate through directories, or monitor system resources, these tools can help you get the job done faster and more efficiently. So why not give them a try and see how they can improve your command line experience?

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